Emery Moore
Graduation Year – May 2024
Hometown – Virginia Beach, VA
Do you speak any languages other than English? – No
What is your major(s) and minor(s)? – Double major in Neuroscience and Cellular, Molecular, and Physiological Biology, with a minor in Leadership Studies
What are your educational and/or career goals? How do you see your participation in the Bonner program relating to them? – My educational goal is to continue my education after CNU and go to medical school. My career goal is to become a neurosurgeon. My participation in the Bonner program has allowed me to build a relationship within the hospital setting, as my service site is Riverside Hospital. My work at Riverside has prepared me for my future career.
What is your service site and service track(s)? – Riverside Regional Medical Center; Health Related
Other than Bonner and your service site, what organizations are you involved with (on and/or off campus)? – Neuroscience research lab, Captains Emergency Response Organization, Ferguson Fellowship for Community Engagement, Riverside Site Team Leader, Honors Program, Presidents Leadership Program, Pre-med scholars
Why did you want to become a Bonner Service Scholar? – I wanted to become a Bonner Service Scholar because I wanted to give back to my surrounding community.
What is your favorite experience that the Bonner Program has given you? – My favorite experience that the Bonner Program has given me is the relationships that I have built within the program and at Riverside.
What advice would you give to a new Bonner to help them get the most out of the program? – To take initiative. There are many cool opportunities that the program provides, you just need to take the first step.
What have you learned about yourself from being a Bonner? – That I have more strength and am more capable than I realized.
What do you think your role is in creating social change? What do you see yourself doing in the future to further your role? – I think my role in creating social change is to listen to my community. I think that in my future career in medicine, it is important to listen to patients to fully understand their situations.
What are your hobbies and/or interests (outside of academics and Bonner)? – My hobbies are reading, painting, playing the ukulele, and playing volleyball.
List your favorite: book, movie, musician/band, food, and quote – Movie: The Princess Bride; Show: Psych; Musician: Harry Styles; Food: Mac and Cheese
Share a fun fact – I can do exactly one magic trick