Gabby Finch
Graduation Year – May 2024
Hometown – Chesapeake, VA
Do you speak any languages other than English? – Yes
What is your major(s) and minor(s)? – Major in Political Science with minors in Business Administration and Leadership Studies
What are your educational and/or career goals? How do you see your participation in the Bonner program relating to them? – I hope to attend grad school in a Political Science related field and use all my Bonner knowledge to help make the world a better place!
What is your service site and service track(s)? – The Virginia Living Museum; Environment and Animals
Other than Bonner and your service site, what organizations are you involved with (on and/or off campus)? – None
Why did you want to become a Bonner Service Scholar? – I wanted to make a difference here on campus, and not just be here for 4 years and make no meaningful commitments.
What is your favorite experience that the Bonner Program has given you? – Weekly Bonner meetings!!
What advice would you give to a new Bonner to help them get the most out of the program? – Be open to all the new ideas and thoughts of your peers, this program can be overwhelming at first. Know that you were chosen to be a Bonner for a reason.
What have you learned about yourself from being a Bonner? – How passionate I am about the issues that affect everyone around me including myself.
What do you think your role is in creating social change? What do you see yourself doing in the future to further your role? – I think my role is being knowledgable and using my passions to create change in the small ways that lead to gradual change over time. In the future I hope to work in public policy and help to enact change in the policies that affect people in the most significant ways. I hope that the benefits of better policies will help the most people possible and not disproportionally cause more problems for specific groups of Americans that are already so marginalized in society
What are your hobbies and/or interests (outside of academics and Bonner)? – I love hanging with friends, cooking, watching movies, going to the gym, trying new restaurants, playing sports, and enjoying the outdoors.
List your favorite: book, movie, musician/band, food, and quote – Book: Harry Potter (yes all of them); Movie: Star Wars (I like the older movies better); Musician/Band: Taylor Swift; Food: Pasta; Quote: “Sometimes the worst place you can be is in your own mind.”
Share a fun fact – I took a trip to Seattle and saw the original Starbucks, which was really cool because I do love me some overpriced Starbucks coffee.