Chris Mojica


Graduation Year – May 2025

Hometown – Newport News, VA

What is your major(s) and minor(s)? – Major in Accounting with a minor in Leadership Studies

What are your educational and/or career goals? How do you see your participation in the Bonner program relating to them? – After graduating with my Accounting degree I plan to pursue the Masters in Financial Analysis program here at CNU. Following the graduate program I will take the CPA exam and enter the accounting field. Along with this, I plan to start a tax service for local communities in need.

What is your service site and service track(s)? – Community Captains; Youth Development & Education

Other than Bonner and your service site, what organizations are you involved with (on and/or off campus)? – Latino Student Association (LSA), President’s Leadership Program (PLP), and Community Captains (as a student outside of my Bonner work).

Why did you want to become a Bonner Service Scholar? – I needed financial assistance to attend CNU, and the Bonner Program was the perfect way to give back to my community while also receiving the help I needed.

What is your favorite experience that the Bonner Program has given you? – I loved the fall trip we took during my freshman year!

What advice would you give to a new Bonner to help them get the most out of the program? – Be willing to make new friends and stay open to different experiences and opinions. 

What have you learned about yourself from being a Bonner? – I am capable of being a strong leader and outspoken about the things I am passionate about. 

What do you think your role is in creating social change? What do you see yourself doing in the future to further your role? – Listening to those in need and letting them speak through my voice in positions where I have more privilege.

What are your hobbies and/or interests (outside of academics and Bonner)? – I enjoy running, being in nature, cooking, watching anime, reading manga, and hanging out with friends. 

List your favorite: book, movie, musician/band, food, and quote – Book: Anything Percy Jackson; Movie: The Lion King; Musician/Band: Watsky; Food: Empanadas; Quote: “Push through the pain; giving up hurts more” – Vegeta

Share a fun fact – I am red-green deficient, which means I have trouble seeing the colors red and green.
