Kassidy Reed
Graduation Year – May 2025
Hometown – Prince George, VA
What is your major(s) and minor(s)? – Double major in Psychology and Criminology with minors in Civic Engagement & Social Justice and Leadership Studies
What are your educational and/or career goals? How do you see your participation in the Bonner program relating to them? – After graduating from CNU my plan is to attend law school where I hope to focus on becoming a juvenile defense attorney. Eventually, I hope to join the FBI and work within their human trafficking unit. I see my participation in the Bonner program relating to both of these careers because we work to learn, understand, and embody different perspectives. On top of that, we focus on building and deepening relationships within the community in which we serve. Both of the careers I want to pursue focus on having those relationships not only to improve individually but collectively as well.
What is your service site and service track(s)? – Commonwealth Catholic Charities: Refugee Resettlement Services; International Interest
Other than Bonner and your service site, what organizations are you involved with (on and/or off campus)? – I am involved in Women’s Club Volleyball, Arabic Club, Gamma Phi Beta, and Colleges Against Cancer.
Why did you want to become a Bonner Service Scholar? – I wanted to be a Bonner Service Scholar because serving is something extremely important to be and I wanted to join a program that valued service, building relationships, and addressing injustice.
What is your favorite experience that the Bonner Program has given you? – My favorite experience that the Bonner Program has given me would be that I have had the opportunity to travel and meet other Bonners from across the country and build those relationships and see how their programs are run. I have also met my best friends.
What advice would you give to a new Bonner to help them get the most out of the program? – My advice would be to be open to the experience. We talk about topics that might are not talked about anywhere else. Though it might feel weird, it will allow you to become a better person and be more willing to embrace experiences.
What have you learned about yourself from being a Bonner? – I have learned to be more vulnerable and open to my fellow cohort members and others within the program. I have been able to learn patience and grow within myself, in academics, and in other organizations that I am a part of.
What do you think your role is in creating social change? What do you see yourself doing in the future to further your role? – I think my role in creating social change would be to first become educated so that I not only know what I am talking about but that I feel confident in doing so. I believe my role is to also speak up but not shadow the voice of another. In wanting to become a juvenile defense attorney, to start creating change we have to start young. I want to be a voice and advocate for someone who might tend to be silenced and I feel as if helping those who need it the most at the youngest level, can only help them to grow and flourish in the way that they see best.
What are your hobbies and/or interests (outside of academics and Bonner)? – I love volleyball (all sports at that), listening to music, reading poetry, and going to the beach.
List your favorite: book, movie, musician/band, food, and quote – Book: 1984; Movie: The Lion King; Musician/Band: Giveon; Food: Sweet Chili Thai Wings; Quote: “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Winne the Pooh
Share a fun fact – I grew up in Hawaii