Gabby Byrne


Graduation Year – May 2026

Hometown – McLean, VA

What are your major(s) and minor(s)? – Major: Social Work Minors: Spanish and Childhood Studies

What are your educational and/or career goals? How do you see your participation in the Bonner program relating to them? – I want to be a social worker and work with kids. The NATASHA House has been the perfect way to get experience in that field.

What is your service site and service track(s)? – NATASHA House; Hunger & Housing 

Other than Bonner and your service site, what organizations are you involved with (on and/or off campus)? – Flourish CNU, Students for Life, and I am starting a club called Notes of Kindness

Why did you want to become a Bonner Service Scholar? – To get to engage with people in my community.

What is your favorite experience that the Bonner Program has given you? The friendships are irreplaceable.

What advice would you give to a new Bonner to help them get the most out of the program? – Bond with your cohort. They will be your lifelong friends.

What have you learned about yourself from being a Bonner? – I’ve learned to love myself more through Bonner’s accepting atmosphere. I have also learned to be more confident in my strengths.

What do you think your role is in creating social change? What do you see yourself doing in the future to further your role? – I think I have a special connection with kids and am able to help them know they are loved exactly the way they are.

What are your hobbies and/or interests (outside of academics and Bonner)? – I love sports, coffee, and crafting.

List your favorite: book, movie, musician/band, food, and quote – “There’s no person in the whole world like you and I like you just the way you are.” – Mr. Rogers. I love Andy Grammer and all Marvel movies.

Share a fun fact – I can juggle!
