Jackson Morgan
Graduation Year – May 2028
Hometown – Amelia County, VA
What is your major? If undecided, what field(s) are you considering? – Electrical Engineering
What are your career and educational goals? – I plan to complete my education in electrical engineering and as an electrical engineer go on to design, test, and improve the systems and structures of the world that rely on electricity.
What are you most looking forward to about coming to CNU? – I’m looking forward to making new friends, seeing new things to widen my perspective on the world, and gaining the knowledge and experience to begin a career in electrical engineering.
Please list the top three service areas or populations you are interested in working with as a Bonner. – Environment & Animals, Hunger & Housing, and Other: Internet Access. I am also interested in the area of low internet access and the impacts of not having internet along with ways to alleviate the digital divide.
What are you most looking forward to about being a Bonner? – In Bonner, I’m looking forward to improving the lives of others and/or gaining applicable knowledge to further do so in my life beyond college.
What past service experience has impacted you the most? – The most impactful service experience I have had was when I helped set up my school’s 2023 homecoming in the 12th grade. I helped set up the holographic circles lining on lights, sparkle stars on lights, and hang up regular lights. I also hung up disco lights, set up the cords to the lights, created necessary barriers, and I hung up a disco ball. The reason this was the most impactful to me was because when I arrived at homecoming I saw how everyone was enjoying the school space and how cool and nice everything looked. This really showed me how much I can contribute and how much of an impact I can have.
What are your hobbies and/or interests outside of academics and Bonner? – Playing video games, hanging out with my friends and family, and watching YouTube videos on music, culture, and politics.
List your favorite book, movie, musician/band, food, and/or quote. – Juice WRLD
What is a fun fact you want to share about yourself? – I will have gone to Spain, the first foreign country I have ever traveled to, from June 1 to June 11.