IDST 250 students learn about the History of Land Acquisition for Christopher Newport University from Dr. Phillip Hamilton, current CNU History Professor and author of “Serving the Old Dominion: A History of Christopher Newport University.”
Minor in Civic Engagement and Social Justice
The minor in Civic Engagement and Social Justice is an interdisciplinary program open to all students who want to make a positive difference in the world. The civic minded individual is one with the moral conviction that all citizens have the inherent responsibility to identify and address issues of public concern. Engaged citizenship requires knowledge and understanding of societal problems, willingness to utilize one’s skills in service to society and commitment to building strong communities. This program explores issues of social justice, economic opportunity, access to resources and cross-cultural understanding, with an emphasis on promoting the quality of life for all members of the community. Through interdisciplinary study and service, students will become proactive citizens who find creative and practical solutions to local, national and global problems.
Core Courses:
- IDST 250 Introduction to Civic Engagement and Social Justice
- ENGL 454 WI: Writing for Civic Engagement
- IDST 470 Seminar in Civic Engagement & Social Justice