Joanna Eleftheriou, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of English

Community-Engaged Course Name: ENGL 123: First-Year Writing Seminar
Tentative Community Partner: Riverside Hospice
Course Description: The First-Year Writing Seminar introduces students to the conventions of reading and writing appropriate for liberal arts learning, particularly the ability to analyze and produce sophisticated arguments, proposals, reports, analyses, and other academic genres that position their views within ongoing social and cultural questions. Students read and discuss challenging texts, evaluating text styles, conclusions, and evidence. They also draft and revise essays that reflect deeper critical thought, an effective prose style, an ability to assess outside research to complement their writing, and consideration of an audience’s expectations. The course offers students frequent written and oral feedback on their writing. It prepares students for the Second-Year Writing Seminar by guiding students to incorporate multiple print and electronic resources into their writing. Students must earn a C- or higher to satisfy University degree requirements.