Youth Development & Education Service Track

Be a mentor, coach, or tutor with youth in our local schools. These are primarily community-based organizations that serve and develop young people.
Coming soon
- Wonder (Movie); PG; Born with facial differences that, up until now, have prevented him from going to a mainstream school, Auggie Pullman becomes the most unlikely of heroes when he enters the local fifth grade. As his family, his new classmates, and the larger community all struggle to discover their compassion and acceptance, Auggie’s extraordinary journey will unite them and prove you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.
- Dead Poets Society (Movie); PG; A new English teacher, John Keating (Robin Williams), is introduced to an all-boys preparatory school that is known for its ancient traditions and high standards. He uses unorthodox methods to reach out to his students, who face enormous pressures from their parents and the school. With Keating’s help, students Neil Perry (Robert Sean Leonard), Todd Anderson (Ethan Hawke) and others learn to break out of their shells, pursue their dreams and seize the day.
- Gifted (Movie); PG-13; Frank Adler (Chris Evans) is a single man raising a child prodigy – his spirited young niece Mary (Mckenna Grace) – in a coastal town in Florida. Frank’s plans for a normal school life for Mary are foiled when the 7-year-old’s mathematical abilities come to the attention of Frank’s formidable mother, Evelyn (Lindsay Duncan), whose plans for her granddaughter threaten to separate Frank and Mary.
CNU Courses
- NSCI 310 – The Study of Science
- IDST 210 – A Study in Childhood: History, Literature, and Education
- ENGL 315 – Adolescent Literature
- ENGL 316 – Children’s Literature
- ENGL 416 – Advanced Studies in Children’s and Adolescent Literature
- ENGL 452WI – Fantasy Writing for Children
- ENGL 453 – Writing Children’s Picture Books
- LDSP 337 – Higher Education Leadership
- MATH 109 – Theoretical Foundations of Elementary School Mathematics
- MUSC 337WI – Music in the Elementary Schools
- MUSC 391 – String Literature and Pedagogy
- MUSC 394 – Keyboard Literature and Pedagogy
- MUSC 396 – Woodwind Literature and Pedagogy
- MUSC 397 – Brass Literature and Pedagogy
- MUSC 398 – Percussion Literature and Pedagogy
- MUSC 496 – Vocal Pedagogy
- PHYS 338 – Apprenticeship and Teaching Physics
- PSYC 208 – Child Development
- PSYC 312 – Educational Psychology
- PSYC 309 – Adolescent Development
- PSYC 327 – Theories and Principles of Child Development
- SOCL 314 – Education, Culture, and Society
- SOCL 314L – Education, Culture, and Society Lab
- ANTH203 – Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH365 – Case Study in Culture
- CLST212 – Roman Culture
- COM222 – Media, Culture, & Technology
- COMM340 – Intercultural Communication
- ENGL308WI – Literature, Theory, & Culture
- ENGL345 – African-American Lit & Culture
- LDSP330 – Cross-Cultural Leadership
- MKTG499 – IND ST: Cancel Culture in VGI
- SOCL314/L – Education, Culture, & Society
- SOCL501 – Multicultural Diversity & Education
- BASN130 – Applied Music: Bassoon
- BASS133 – Applied Music: Bass
- CELL131 – Applied Music: Cello
- CELL133 – Applied Music: Cello
- ENGL395: SPC TP: Modern Irish Literature
- LDSP395 – SPC TP: Globalization & Leadership
- MLAN 470 – Teaching Modern Languages